Gambling with Life

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cuddling a life

Posted by Rojit on February 22, 2009

The word miracle became an easy definition.

For a guy already dunked deep in a blurry ocean.

Meeting her was a portent to his life’s happiness.

Then, the twilight of her smile helped him ashore.



The world of his dreams was never seen in her eyes.

Neither his impeccable belief of being truthful.

For, love and truth were then correctly spelt with her name.

Inevitability at last caught him to imprison him with her love.



Everyday, he soared into skies filled with laughter and smiles.

Sometimes, heaven does house human on earth itself!!

Envy tinctured even God to see his happiness reaching its zenith.

And one day he woke up just to feel a world without her fragrance.


The flying hopes of a beautiful life with her had to crawl now.

Every inspiration, her memories crept in more into his veins.

And he breathes out wishing he could die with her.

Would he ever embrace that red-coloured emotion again?

One Response to “cuddling a life”

  1. james said

    nice post but a sad tale though

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